INNOWATER water treatment equipment arrive to the United Kingdom´s market
22 May, 2020![pisicinas_desescalada](https://innowater.es/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/piscinadef1.jpg)
15 June, 2020When we talk about salt chlorination, we are always asked the same questions. Will it cost me a lot? Is it safe for users? Is it like swimming in sea water? The pool season is now upon us and as is normal, many users are interested in salt chlorination systems to disinfect their pools. Although they offer many advantages, users have a number of doubts. This is why Innowater is going to review the truths and myths that surround these chlorination systems.
1 – This is the most natural disinfection system. True.
Swimming pool disinfection only uses one essential chemical substance; chlorine. To keep bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms at bay, a specially manufactured chemical product is typically added to the water. Salt chlorination systems, on the other hand, use the natural chlorine present in an element as ubiquitous as common salt (sodium chloride or NaCl).
To achieve this requires electrolysis, which is generated within the salt chlorinator. This device has internal electrodes that generate the electric field that breaks down the salt molecules present in the water. The result is natural chlorine, the main disinfectant in our pools. At the end of the process, the salt molecules come together again so that the process can start over again.
2 – It is totally safe for users. True.
As we have seen in the first point, the result of the electrolysis is a completely natural compound. Thus, by avoiding any artificial chemicals in the water, concerns about irritated skin and eyes disappear, making saline chlorination a totally safe method for the whole family.
Another advantage of being a user-friendly system is the possibility of being able to enjoy the pool while the chlorinator is functioning. As it is a constant process, using only a small amount of salt and no chemical products, this gives stable disinfection levels and avoids peaks in chlorine concentration. In addition, pools with salt chlorination systems will avoid unpleasant chemical odours.
3 – Salt chlorination is an environment-friendly and sustainable system. True.
Disinfecting water using salt chlorination is much more sustainable. In this process the salt is continuously reused and the chlorinator leads to low energy consumption. Therefore, we can say that this is a sustainable and environment-friendly cleaning method.
4 – It is suitable for all swimming pools. True.
Salt chlorination is suitable for all types of swimming pools regardless of their use and the material from which they are manufactured. Which is why it is a very interesting option for users.
5 – A lot of money is saved because chemicals are not needed. True.
The most widespread myth about disinfecting pools with salt chlorination is that it is much more expensive than the usual method using chemical chlorine. While it is true that these systems need an initial investment in the chlorinator and the common salt to make it function, there are significant savings after that.
As it is a cyclic process, the salt is reused, greatly increasing the time between redosing with salt (once per season may be sufficient). This, coupled with the fact that no other product is added to the pool water, generates medium and long-term savings compared to chemical chlorination.
For maximum savings, and to take advantage of our chlorinator’s efficiency, it is important to understand the pool’s needs as well as the characteristics of the chlorinator that we want to install. At Innowater we have several models for users to choose from, depending on the requirements of their pool (volume, flow, use, etc.), to give the best solution to keep their pool free from viruses, bacteria and all kinds of microorganisms.
In addition to a salt chlorinator, we could also choose to install a water pH regulator. While they will increase the cost of the assembly, these devices are incredibly useful as they facilitate the proper functioning of the pool and save a lot of time during maintenance. This is achieved by the pH regulator itself doing the job of adding the pH reducer to the pool when required.
1 – It is like swimming in salt water or sea water. Myth.
Many people think that because salt chlorination uses common salt to disinfect swimming pools, it is like swimming in sea water. This is not the case as the reality is that the salt concentration is much lower than in sea water. This allows us to ensure total disinfection and, at the same time, care for swimmers’ skin and eyes.
2 – It is a complex system to install. False.
Installing a salt chlorination system is really simple. You simply need to place the salt chlorinator in the pool’s return pipe so that the water passes through the cell allowing it to perform the electrolysis. After this, the other elements needed for the complete system to work will have to be installed along with, if we are using them, other elements such as the pH reducer.
As you can see, it is a simple process and does not require any kind of previous preparation or building work for installation. However, it is always recommended that qualified professional personnel perform the installation to avoid poor functioning or subsequent breakdowns and to ensure proper operation from the outset.
3 – Salt water damages garden plants and furniture. False.
Many pool owners worry about whether these systems can damage garden plants or the furniture surrounding the pool.
This is another myth and, as such, it is completely false. As we have seen, the salt concentration in the water is minimal and, just as it does not affect users, it will not affect the plants or other elements in the garden or the building materials or furniture in the house.
4 – It is only necessary to add salt and you can forget about maintenance.False.
While salt chlorination is a simple and very inexpensive system to maintain, as it does not need constant care or for products to be constantly added to the water, this does not mean that the minimal maintenance guidelines can be neglected.
If you do not have additional elements, such as an automatic pH regulator, you will need to check that the chlorine and pH level are optimal for enjoying the pool.
Maintaining the salt chlorinator’s cell is another task that needs to be carried out from time to time. Fortunately, it’s not a recurring, costly or complicated task. The electrodes will need to be removed and immersed in a special product that removes the limescale and dirt that accumulate during the use of the appliance. This will greatly improve the long-term performance of our salt chlorinator and therefore its lifespan.
What is true is that, even if you do have to take on certain tasks, the system can be programmed so that you don’t have to be constantly monitoring it, and this greatly increases the convenience of use.
At Innowater we have a wide range of salt chlorinators so you can find the one that best suits your needs. You can see our product range and learn more about salt chlorination on our website https://innowater.es/en.
1 Comment
Thank you for sharing this valuable information.
One thing that I want to add is that saltwater pools are not more corrosive than traditional pools. It’s a misconception that often arises about saltwater pools. While corrosion can still occur in saltwater pools, it’s usually due to other factors such as improper bonding, incorrect pH levels, or imbalanced chemical compositions. But this can also happen in a traditional chlorine pool.