In public swimming pools (municipal, schools, sports centres, etc.) the use of the pool is usually intense and, in most cases, maintained throughout the year. The advantages of salt water chlorination are even more evident in this type of facility and the initial investment is recouped faster because the savings in maintenance and chemicals are higher. The water quality and the bathing experience achieved are unbeatable and the users have a more positive perception of the facility. That's why there exits a growing demand among operators and users of salt water chlorination treatment.

Many users who suffer from allergies or irritations in conventional treated swimming pools do not experience any problems in salt water chlorinated pools. That is due to the natural principle and quality of the process. The water features a particular transparency and don't generate odours. These physical qualities are immediately perceived by users even before swimming in the pool when they will experience the main advantages of the system.

Innowater is pioneer in the development of salt water chlorinators for high demanding facilities and has a long experience and a high degree of specialisation. Innowater also manufactures a complete range of control equipment that is fully compatible with its salt water chlorinators, allowing permanent monitoring of the water parameters and automatic control of the dosing devices.