How and when to add salt to your salt water swimming pool
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How and when to add salt to your salt water swimming pool

Cómo y cuándo añadir sal a la piscina de cloración salina

Saline chlorination is one of the most effective swimming pool water treatment methods. This system reduces the maintenance required to keep your pool disinfected. All you have to do is add salt to the water and make sure the concentration is right. But, how and when should salt be added to the pool?

The main advantage of saline electrolysis is that it is an environmentally friendly method that does not affect the health of the people using the pool, as no chemical products are required to disinfect the water. Once the salt chlorination system is installed, it will never be necessary to buy commercial chlorine again, since it will be naturally generated directly in the water.

One of the doubts that some pool owners have when they are thinking about installing a salt chlorination system is when to put the salt into the water. The first thing to do when setting up a salt chlorinator is to add about 5 or 6 grams of salt per litre. The chlorinator can then be started up after the salt has dissolved in the water.

And then what, should I be constantly adding salt or is there no need to add more? Neither one nor the other. As we said, you should add salt initially when setting up the chlorinator, but also afterwards, since a number of factors cause the salt concentration to reduce when the pool is being used, these include evaporation, filter washes, topping up the water, etc. It is, therefore, necessary to periodically check the amount of salt in the pool water and ensure that the levels are optimal.

Innowater recommends the use of our control and regulation systems to ensure the pool water is kept in the best condition at all times. If you need more information or to request a quote for any of our products, please contact us by completing this form.

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