4 tricks to save water in your home this summer
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4 tricks to save water in your home this summer

4 trucos para ahorrar agua en tu hogar en verano

Summer is a very dry season when it can also be very hot at times. The risk of drought increases at this time of year due to the lack of rain, so we must all do everything possible to alleviate this problem. At Innowater we know how important it is to save water, so we are sharing 4 tricks so you can save water this summer too.

Cold water showers

You will save 120 litres of water if you change your hot winter baths for a cold shower in summer. Remember to turn the water off while you are applying the soap so you save even more water.

Water plants at night

In addition to being essential to their health, watering plants at night helps to save water at home. This will avoid evaporation due to high temperatures and you will not have to do it as often.

Appliances at full capacity

Appliances make things much easier, but they can waste a lot of water in your home. To avoid this, use them at full capacity and you will reduce their water use by between 20% and 50%.

Protect the water in your swimming pool

Having a pool in your home helps you to cool off and avoid the worst of the summer heat. But, who says we can’t use less water in our pool too? Use a cover to protect the pool water and stop it from evaporating. You could also choose salt chlorination to treat your pool water, thus ensuring that the water stays in perfect condition for a long time. You wont have to change it for up to 8 years!

Innowater’s salt chlorinators help keep the water in your pool healthy, clean and disinfected. If you want to find out about more measures to save water at home and protect the planet, join the Water Challenge.


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