The efficiency of salt water chlorination in private pools
11 Dezember, 2020
Effective disinfection of school pools
25 Juni, 2021Here at Innowater we have created a Digital salt water chlorinator calculator so that everyone who needs to know which salt water chlorinator would be most appropriate for their pool can find out in a very simple way. All that is required is to answer some simple questions:
– What is the size of your pool in cubic metres?
– On average, how many bathers do you have per day?
– What is your pool’s daily filtering time?
– Is your pool inside or outside? If it is outside, please answer a further question:
– Is it in a mild or very warm climate?
When these simple questions are answered, the Calculator applies a formula with which it will determine the model of salt water chlorinator which best suits your pool. The result can fall within the different ranges that Innowater has, in other words, it can be from the domestic range which includes the SMC 10 through to SMC 50; it can be the medium capacity chlorinator range, which includes models SMC 75 through to SMC180 or it can be the high capacity range which is made up of the chlorinators SMC 250 through to 1,000.
Here at Innowater we have always led the way when it comes to implementing salt water chlorination and we are sure that, little by little, every pool will transition to this method of cleaning and disinfecting the pool, which has many more benefits than traditional chlorine and, as a result, bathers of all types of pools will indeed be thankful for this.
We also know that most of the pool owners, whether they be of private, hotel, camping, school, residential community, sports complex or public swimming pools, research all they need to know about how the process of salt water chlorination works and how they can install it into their pools. However, many times, they are still left in the dark about which salt water chlorinator model will be most appropriate for their pool, so, now they are able to find out thanks to this new tool that we have created
If you want to read more information about the digital salt water calculator, you can find it at https://innowater.es/en/ .